Joining the club

You should join the club if you own a car. Then the car can be repaired and serviced cheaply. If you don't own a car, but have a driver's license, you should join the club. Club members sometimes lend their cars. If you don't have a driver's license, you should join a club. Then you can easily and quickly learn the structure of the car and get to hang around in fun company. On the other hand, if you don't have a driver's license and don't like fun company, you shouldn't join the club. There will surely be another sub-association in Otaniemi that is more suitable.

If the reader feels an overwhelming interest in becoming a TAK member, they should proceed as follows:

  1. Become an Aalto student!

  2. Fill in the membership application.
    A TAK member can e.g. use the back room, soft drinks machines and washing machine, rent mobile equipment and ride on Ahvenisto track days for the membership price. In addition to membership, a license to use the garage is required to use the garage.
    NOTE: Members are approved at board meetings, and before approval, applicants do not have the right to, for example, rent equipment.

  3. To obtain the right to use the garage, the member must pay a yearly garage use fee of 50 euros, which is paid with the same account number and reference number as the membership fee. In addition, you have to listen to the garage manager's lecture on the rules of the garage and perform a garage chore.

  4. The garage chore must be performed within three months of joining. The chore is agreed upon with the garage manager. After this, the new member gets their own door code and can use the garage whenever they want. You can always come and discuss all matters related to the garage with the garage manager or any board member.

Katso maksutiedot Hinnastosta.

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